Официальные представители ГомГМУ по набору студентов
REC Campus
REC Campus is the official representative of GSMU to advertise the university and recruit students from Sri Lanka, Maldives, India, Nepal, Europe, Australia, Africa, Middle east countries, and also provides additional services, which include:
- selecting candidates who fulfil university entry requirements, supporting a smooth admission process, providing all necessary information about university and studies, and providing free classes for Anatomy, Russian language and English language.
- arrangement of applicants’ arrival to the GSMU.
- meeting the students at the airport, transfer to the place of living, and providing meals upon the arrival;
- supporting until graduation.
- Career guidance after graduation.
- The branch office operates in Belarus and consist of Belarussians and Sri Lankans to assist students.
Head Office
Address: REC Campus, 181, High level Road, Nugegoda.
Web: www.reccampus.com
Hotline: +94 711101010
Landline: +94 112 769833
Email: info@reccampus.com
Contact Person: Mr. Maduranga Wasalagedara (Chief Executive Officer)
+94 711 101010
+94 711 498498
Email: ceo@reccampus.com
Ajith Kulathunga (Senior Manager- Admission)
+94 711 101010
+94 711 707070
Email: info@reccampus.com
Dakshima Sapumohotti (Senior Manager - Enrollments)
+94 711 101010
+94 711 606060
Email: admission@reccampus.com
Head Office: Nugegoda- Sri Lanka
Address: Grand Royal Education, 181, High level Road, Nugegoda.
Web: www.grandroyal.lk
Tel : 0112 513 613
Email: grandroyal.edu@gmail.com
Contact Person: Mr.Chandika Amarakoon- Director
Contact Number: +94 7153 45004
Email: grandroyal.edu@gmail.com
Contact Person: Praneeth Wijesinghe (Senior Manager- Admission)
Contact Number: +94 76 8447444
Email: grandroyal.edu@gmail.com
LLC “ Professional Education”
REC Campus office in Belarus
Director: Dmitriy Kavaleu
E-mail: dmitriy.kavalev.rec@yandex.ru
+375 44 792 39 14
ЧСУП “Альфа Эдукейшнал Сервисис” (страны Юго-восточной Азии, Государство Кувейт, Республика Пакистан)
ЧСУП “Альфа Эдукейшнал Сервисис” является официальным представителем по рекламированию ГомГМУ для обеспечения набора кандидатов на обучение в странах Юго-восточной Азии, Государство Кувейт, Республика Пакистан, а также предоставляет услуги дополнительного сервиса, в том числе:
- организация прибытия абитуриентов к месту учебы;
- организация встречи в аэропорту, трансфер до места проживания, питание в течение первых 3-х дней пребывания;
- оказание содействия в прохождении медицинского осмотра, получении разрешения на временное проживание в Республике Беларусь, подготовке документов для поступления в ВУЗ, поиске жилья, адаптации к условиям проживания в стране пребывания в течение учебного года, а также оказание помощи при обращении в медучреждения.
ЧСУП “Альфа Эдукейшнал Сервисис”
Контактное лицо: Тайырова Марал
Моб. +37544 530 17 00
Адрес: Проспект Речицкий 121, г. Гомель – 246012, Республика Беларусь
Тел\факс: +375 212 64 15 15
Email: info@alfaes.org, admission@alfaes.org
Skype: alfa.by@hotmail.com
Сайт: www.alfaes.org
Private unitary enterprise “Alfa Educational Services” is the official representative of GSMU to advertise the university and recruit students from South-East Asia, Kuwait, Republic of Pakistan, and also provides additional services, which include:
- arrangement of applicants’ arrival to the place of study;
- meeting the students at the airport, transfer to the place of living, and providing meal for first 3 days;
- rendering help in undergoing medical check-up, obtaining a permit for temporary living in the Republic of Belarus, preparing documents for admission, searching for accommodation, adaptation to living conditions in the country of residence during the academic year, and also rendering help in visiting medical establishments.
Republic of Belarus:
Contact person: Tayyrova Maral
Mobile telephone: +375 44 530 17 00
Address: Prospekt Recheski 121, Gomel – 246012, Republic of Belarus
Tel./fax: +375 212 64 15 15
Email: info@alfaes.org, admission@alfaes.org
Skype: alfa.by@hotmail.com
Web: www.alfaes.org
Moslanka Study Abroad & Migration Consultants
Address: No.59A, Alexandra Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka.
Web: www.moslanka.lk
Contact person: SD Munasinghe (Director)
Contact Number: +94772442424
Email: dinusha@moslanka.com
Contact person: Gawri Wijesinghe (Manager Student Recruitment)
Contact Number: +94766383834
Email: colombo@moslanka.com
EDULANKA Globe Pvt Ltd
Contact person: MZM Faizeen (Executive Director)
Address: 14/A, Ebenezer Place, Dehiwela
Email: ceo@edulankagroup.lk,
Web: www.elg.lk
Contact Number: +94 77 6230623
Elyonder Educational Services Private Limited (India)
Address: 2nd Floor, New No. 63, First Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083, India.
Contact person: Swarnalatha, Managing Director
Contact Number: Mobile: +91 9884282340, Tel.: +91 44-43328022
Email: www.elyonderedu.org
IMC Education Pvt Ltd (Шри-Ланка / Sri Lanka)
Head Office – Colombo
Address: No 154, Havelock Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka
Web :
Email :
Contact Persons:
Mr. Amila Kulatunga (Deputy CEO)
Contact No: +94773088840
Mr. Inthikab Zufer (Chief Operating Officer)
Contact No: +94774410782
Ms. Mandarika Jayasiri (Assistant Manager)
Contact No: +94774421597
Ms. Sumaiya Moulana (Senior Executive – Enrollment Management)
Contact No: +94768268168
Ms. Christeen Fernando (Senior Executive – Enrollment Management)
Contact No: +94766759393
Ms. Ashvitha (Junior Executive – Enrollment Management)
Contact No: +94768268170
IMC Kandy
Address: No 111, Peradeniya Road, Kandy
Contact Persons:
Dr. Burhanuddin Hamza (MD) (Consultant - Operations and Admission)
Contact No: +94777075483
Ms. Manjula Lindawatta (Branch Manager – IMC Kandy)
Contact No: +94774401206
Mr. Sageerthan Periyasamy (Senior Executive - Enrollment Management)
Contact No: + 94766759600
Ms. Nisansala Senevirathne (Senior Executive - Enrollment Management)
Contact No: + 94772276699
IMC Jaffna
Address: No 400/4, Clock Tower Road, Jaffna
Contact Persons:
Dr. Devarajan Kesavan (Consultant - Operations and Admission – IMC Jaffna)
Contact No: +94774403644
Mr. Damien S. Prematilaka (Branch Manager - IMC Jaffna)
Contact No: +94778883423 Email:
Mr. Adshayan Jegathas (Executive - Enrollment Management)
Contact No: + 94766644707 /
Ms. Abinaya Sabalingam (Executive - Enrollment Management)
Contact No: + 94774465740 /
IMC Education has its offshore office in the Republic of Belarus to look after the welfare needs and provide welfare services for all students placed by IMC Education, from picking them up from the Minsk International Airport to placing them at the allocated University hostels and providing them the required welfare services for the entire duration of their studies in the Republic of Belarus.
LLC “Threemed International”
ООО «Тримед Интернэшнл» является официальным представителем Гомельского государственного медицинского университета по рекламе и продвижению университета, а также по набору студентов из Ирана, Турции, Ливана и других стран Ближнего Востока для обеспечения набора кандидатов для обучения и организации их прибытия к месту учебы, поддержки на протяжении всего процесса зачисления и обучения.
Юридический адрес: 220035, г. Минск, улица Тимирязева, дом 67, офис 304.
Место нахождения: 220029, 220035, г. Минск, улица Лазо, дом 14, офис 222-223.
Тел.: +375296066435, +375256366435
Web-site: www.tmigroup.by
Email: tri.belarus@gmail.com
LLC “Threemed International” is the official representative of Gomel State Medical University to advertise and promote the University and to recruit students from Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries to ensure the recruitment of candidates for training and the organization of their arrival at the place of study, guidance and support during the whole enrolment and academic process.
Legal address: 220035, Minsk, Timiryazeva Street, house 67, office 304.
Location: 220029, 220035, Minsk, Lazo Street, house 14, office 222-223.
Tel.: +375296066435, +375256366435
Web-site: www.tmigroup.by
E-mail: tri.belarus@gmail.com
MEDICO ABROAD (Индия/ India)
Компания по приглашению граждан Республики Индии в университет
Контакты: господин В. Раджа Рам
Адрес: B-56, Жорналистс Колони, Джубили Хилс, около больницы Аполло, Хайдерабад - 500033, Теленгана, Индия
Телефоны: +91 9391034017, +9959114545
Web-site: www.medicoabroad.in
E-mail: helplineurope@gmail.com info@medicoabroad.in
Contact person: V. Raja Ram
Address: B-56, Journalists Colony, Jubilee Hills, Near Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad - 500033, Telangana, India.
Telephone: +91 9391034017, +9959114545
Web-site: www.medicoabroad.in
E-mail: helplineurope@gmail.com info@medicoabroad.in
Компания по приглашению граждан Республики Индии в университет
Contact person: Dr. Rama Sah
Republic of Belarus:
220116, City Minsk, Dzerzhinsky Avenue 83, Building 13
+375 29 124-77-00 (WhatsApp, Viber)
+375 29 125-77-00 (WhatsApp, Viber)
+375 29 126-77-00 (WhatsApp, Viber)
+375 29 129-77-00 (WhatsApp, Viber)
+375 17 373-00-77 (Land Line)
+375 17 374-00-77 (Land Line)
E-mail: milemir07@gmail.com
Web-site: www.milemir.com
402, 4th Floor, Yogeshwar Building, M-2 Middle Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001
+91-9999133600 (WhatsApp, Viber)
+91-9999134600 (WhatsApp, Viber)
E-mail: milemie07@gmail.com
Web-site: www.milemir.com
ISC EDU PVT LTD / International Study Centre.
Dr Harry Prasad (MD - Belarus)
(MBA - UK), Dip - Russian Language & Counselling, Chief Medical Officer - IVF & Fertility Centre Asiri Hospitals & Sri Lankan President for International Graduates’ Association - Belarus
Telephone: +94 777 997 998
ISC EDU (PVT) Ltd / International Study Centre
No 4A Cambridge Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Ms Induja Pushpanathan - Director / Chief Operating Officer
Telephone: +94 777 55 66 66
Social Variety Alliance LLC (SVA LLC)
ООО «ЭсВиЭй» является официальным представителем Гомельского государственного медицинского университета по рекламе и продвижению университета, а также по набору студентов из стран Латинской Америки, Африки, Катара, Индии, Пакистана, Мальдивской Республики и Китая для обеспечения набора кандидатов для обучения и организации их прибытия к месту учебы, поддержки на протяжении всего процесса зачисления и обучения.
Юридический адрес: 220000, г. Минск, улица Берута, дом №Б-2, офис 37/18.
Тел.: +375296118825 / +375293633073
E-mail: sva.family.world@gmail.com
LLC “SVA” is the official representative of Gomel State Medical University to advertise and promote the University and to recruit students from Latin American, African countries, Qatar, India, Pakistan, Maldives, China to ensure the recruitment of candidates for training and the organization of their arrival at the place of study, guidance and support during the whole enrolment and academic process.
Legal address: Minsk, 3b-2, 37/18 Beruta, 220000
Tel: +375296118825 / +375293633073
E-mail: sva.family.world@gmail.com
ООО «Раиан компани»
ООО «Раиан компани» является официальным представителем Гомельского государственного медицинского университета по рекламе и продвижению образовательных программ университета, а также по набору студентов из стран Ближнего Востока для обеспечения набора кандидатов для обучения и организации их прибытия к месту учебы, поддержки на протяжении всего процесса зачисления и обучения.
Юридический адрес: г. Гомель, улица МЖК Солнечный, дом № 6, офис 75.
Тел.: +375445871606, +375295871606
E-mail: nofalalharami1@gmail.com
LLC “Rayan company” is the official representative of Gomel State Medical University to advertise and promote the academic programs of the University and to recruit students from Middle Eastern countries to ensure the recruitment of candidates for training and the organization of their arrival at the place of study, guidance and support during the whole enrolment and academic processes.
Legal address: Gomel, MZHK Solnechny Street 6-75
Tel: +375445871606, +375295871606
E-mail: nofalalharami1@gmail.com
Excel Education Services India
Компания “Excel Education Services India” является официальным представителем по рекламированию образовательных услуг ГомГМУ в Индии.
“Excel Education Services India” is the official representative of GSMU to advertise the university and recruit students India.
Contact information: Dr. Harmeek Singh Dhillon, Director
E-mail: drdhillon2001@gmail.com
Web: www.eurasiaeducationlink.com
BELARUS STUDY MEDICINE is the official Representative of Gomel State Medical University (GSMU) in the territories of Sri Lanka and India.
BELARUS STUDY MEDICINE has its own international office in the Republic of Belarus to provide welfare services for all students. International administrative office is providing transportation from Minsk international airport to University, University hostels and providing welfare services for the entire 6 years of their studies in the Republic of Belarus.
Contact in Srilanka:
Head office - Sri Lanka
No 25, Laurise road.
Colombo - 4, Srilanka
Contact No: +94 (76) 679 0177
ANC MEDICAL PLACEMENTS is the official Representative of Gomel State Medical University (GSMU) in the territories of Sri Lanka and India to facilitate the students in applying to our study programs.
ANC MEDICAL PLACEMENTS has the right to recruit, conduct seminars, represent GSMU at the information forums and to advertise the university education programs on behalf of the University.
Aruni Mahipala
Director- Chief Operating Officer
ANC Education
+94 777 414415
Dr. L. K. Peralan - MD
+94 (74) 263 2296
No 308, 310, R A De Mel Mawatha, Colombo – 03
ASL Pharma By LLC
Belarus republic 220113
City Minsk Melezha street
Building #1 Pom, 30 Office # 04
Tel: +375 296327678
WhatsApp/Call : +375 29 866 15 96
E-mail: asl.pharmaby@mail.ru
E-mail : y.g.aliakseyeu@gmail.com
Uzbekistan Office :
Uzbekistan Republic City Tashkent St, Oltintepa 89b
WhatsApp /Call : +998 99 034 43 10
WhatsApp/Call : + 998 90 040 34 44
e-mail : aslfirma@mail.ru
PARTNER for International students ASL Pharma & Co-partners,
Education Consortium UK Ltd
Suite # 124, West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1QX, United Kingdom.
Tel: 00 44 7796842786,
*Brilliant Overseas Educator*
*Shop No.51, First Floor, New Grain Market, Ambala City, Haryana,
Whatsaap- +998- 999420950
Whatsaap- +91 9991517771
Office address - A-7,A-8, 1st floor, Ajmera empire complex,
10-B scheme, Gopalpura bypass, near Triveni Nagar circle,
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. 302018
Contact number - +91-8239-979-979
Email - enquiry.vglobal@gmail.com
IES- Pakistan:
For international education
Office # 29, First Floor, Al-Babar Centre, F-8 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: 051-2853676/ Mobile: 00923005018117,
Email: info@iespakistan.org,
Web: www.iespakistan.org
The Icon Consultants
Office No.204 Second Floor
Oriental Plaza Jinnah Road Quetta
Web: www.theiconconsultants.com
Email: theiconqta@gmail.com
WhatsApp/Call: +923337866750
Students Recruiting Advisors
Office No 02- 3rd Floor, Islamiya club building,
Near university book agency.
Khyber bazaar,Peshawar.
*Whatapp & Call* +923138845544
Dr.Iyechika Nwoko-Iyeshim.
Phone : +996 500 33 20 18